Thursday, November 30, 2017

Bake Sale

It is now about that time, from 10-4 on Nov. 17th where we are in the full swing of things preparing for the 33rd annual Ronald McDonald House Charities Bake Sale in Columbus Ohio. One of the most remarkable things about this event is the fact that the Columbus House is the largest Ronald McDonald House in the Country. Ronald Mcdonald House is prepared to make sure that every child and family is taken care of and what a better way to raise money for such a cause than through comfort food and delicious deserts that have the publics mouth water at the bite.

The bake sale is so good in fact that the public has taken to twitter to talk about how excited they are, and yes even a non-profit is tech savvy and knows how to use twitter. 
This is one of the delectable and delicious treats that you can get at the RMH bake sale and much more, the creamy filling is the best part but whats even better is the deep friend crust and the people you will meet.

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